Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Sample Script for Online Service

Sample script for Sunday service online
The following is a suggested script for your use online. It is not set in stone. You may use all or parts of it in coordination with Rev Ed and as best fits your needs.


Good morning and welcome to 1stUUPB Live!, the online Sunday service of the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palm Beaches via Zoom and Facebook Live. Thank you for attending.  My name is ________. And I’ll be assisting Rev Ed in the service today. Although we gather in virtual space, the connections of our community are very real.  As we meet here, we practice physical distancing — not social distancing. We are a welcoming Congregation, a Congregation of the open mind, the loving heart, and the helping hands. We’re a religious community of diverse and free-thinking individuals. We seek personal spiritual growth & social justice. Our mission is to transform lives through liberal religious community. As adults and children who learn, love, share and serve together, we welcome all to our family.
If you’ve been attending these Sunday services either in our Sanctuary or online; if you’ve been participating in our many activities; if you’ve gotten to know some of us; if you’ve visited our website, been reading our emailed newsletter, followed us on our two Facebook pages, sampled some of our other online offerings, then you know who we are and what we stand for. You have a good idea about the journey we’re on. I invite you to walk hand in hand with us on that journey. If you’re ready, join us in building the beloved community. You can get membership information at the email address you see on screen. (the3js@bellsouth.net) If, on the other hand, you’re attending our service for the first time & you’d like to get better acquainted, please contact us using the address on your screen (admin@1stuupb.org), or you can leave a message on our main Facebook page or our web page. If you’re here on Zoom, you can also leave your email address using the chat feature.  At the conclusion of the service, please stay for our hospitality breakout rooms, where we’ll be sorted into smaller groups for chat & fellowship.

Now I’d like to invite (name) to light the chalice and lead us in reciting the chalice-lighting words which will appear on your screen. If you have a chalice at home you’d like to light, you’re welcome to do so. (name)?

Lighting the Chalice Flame: (Either video of chalice lighting or you can light your chalice live on camera) This is the day we are given. Let us rejoice & be glad in it. The flaming chalice is the most widely used symbol of Unitarian Universalism. It signals our readiness to give thanks for all we have. It symbolizes the spirit of our Congregation. Lighting our chalice flame brings light, hope, & the power of the spirit to this gathering that is made sacred by our presence together. Now I will light this chalice on behalf of the Congregation. If you have a chalice at home you’d like to light, this is the time to do it. (Light chalice) Please join us in reciting the chalice-lighting words on your screen.

As we light our chalice flame,
may it be a beacon to our community,
and be kindled again in our hearts.
As we gather this morning in hope,
let us give thanks for all we have
and celebrate this religious community that
seeks a wholeness beyond ourselves.

Affirmation: Please join us in our affirmation, the words to which will appear on your screen. 
Love is the spirit of this Congregation and service is its law.  This is our great covenant: to dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love, and to help one another.

Opening Words:

Hymn: (number, title) Our first hymn this morning is (title), the words to which are on your screen. You’re welcome to join in as (name) leads us.

Now I’d like to call on (name), our Children and Youth director. (name).

Time for All Ages 

Quiet Time, Meditation, Candle Lighting (video or you can light a candle live on camera)
This is our quiet time, a centering time, a time for meditation, a time for prayer. After the spoken words, and when the music starts, you're welcome to light a candle at home in honor of a special joy or concern, something that’s on your mind or in your heart. You’re also welcome to use the Zoom chat feature where you can tell the rest of us about your special joy or concern. 

It is our quiet time. We do not speak, because the voices are within us.
It is our quiet time. We do not dance because the music has lifted us to a place where the spirit is.
It is our quiet time.
We rest with all of nature.
It is our quiet time.


Offertory: (or) Social Justice Minute and Offertory: (The offering on behalf of a charity selected by the 1stUUPB Justice Action Ministry is taken on the third Sunday of the month. The social justice minute can precede the offertory and may be delivered by a charitable organization guest or by a 1stUUPB member or friend. There is no standard script for the social justice minute.)

If you’d like to donate to the work of this Congregation, or make a payment on your pledge, there’ll be some addresses on the screen. So we’ll take a minute for you to do that while (name) plays/sings (title).

Sermon: (Title and name of speaker here)

Hymn: (number, title) (We often sing hymn #123 Spirit of Life here)  Please join us in singing (title), the words to which will be on your screen.

Extinguishing the Chalice Flame: (video of chalice extinguishing or live on camera) Please join us in the chalice extinguishing words on your screen:

We extinguish this flame, but not the light of truth, the warmth of community, or the fire of commitment.  These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.

Closing Words: 


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Sample Script for Online Service

Sample script for Sunday service online The following is a suggested script for your use online. It is not set in stone. You may use all ...